Culture Push, a New York-based non-profit arts organization and The Performance Project at University Settlement present Show Don't Tell: A Symposium with The Fellowship for Utopian Practice and The Performance Project's 2018 Artists-in-Residence
April 24-26, 7:00-10:00 p.m.
University Settlement 184 Eldridge St. New York, NY 10002
Admission is Free! Reservations:
This symposium is an opportunity to get a close-up and participatory view into the projects of artists working at the intersection of their imaginations and civic participation.
On April 24th and 25th Fellows from The Fellowship for Utopian Practice will present their projects and research. The Fellowship for Utopian Practice is a process-based program that supports artists at the seed phase of project development, allowing artists and creative practitioners to create cross-sector modes of activating and collaborating with their communities and the general public. Learn about the unique perspectives that the Culture Push Fellows and their collaborators bring to each urgent topic
On April 26th, The Performance Project's AIRs from University Settlement will present excerpts of their projects and share their experiences connecting to the communities associated with University Settlement. Creative Traffic Flow (Jeesun Choi, Kristin Rose Kelly, Dawn Crandell), Culinary Theater (Brandon Woolf, Ben Gassman), Sophia Dawson and Jesca Prudencio will present.
For a full schedule visit