Applications for the first annual T. Fellowship are now being accepted. The deadline is Thursday, February 1st, 2007.
The T. Fellowship is a one-year producing program. In the first phase, the fellow may take classes and apprentice/observe through placements in the field with working professionals. In addition, the fellow will be working to identify and develop a new theatrical production. During the second phase of the Fellowship, the fellow will produce and present the work they have developed. The fellow will receive a stipend of $14,000, and a $20,000 budget for the development of the new work.The T. Fellowship was created in an effort to help create a new generation of creative theatrical producers, those who initiate work from the ground up, following a path all their own. The T. Fellowship was created to honor the legacy of Broadway producer T. Edward Hambleton by supporting and developing gifted, emerging theatrical producers.The T. Fellowship Committee members are Harold Prince (Director/Producer), Ed Wilson (Teacher/Author/Critic), Margo Lion (Producer), Jack O'Brien (Artistic Director, The Old Globe), Victoria Bailey (TDF Executive Director), Gregory Mosher (Director of The Columbia Arts Initiative) and Steven Chaikelson (Chair of The Theatre Division of the Columbia University School of the Arts).Videos