globalFEST is a carefully curated bright spot for music lovers in the dark days of early January. It's the premier gateway event for world music artists about to break into the North American scene. But before all, it's one heck of a party, turning the winter doldrums into a three-stage, multi-continent romp at one of downtown New York's hippest venues, Webster Hall.
Fans can dance up a to brass-injected blazing Indian beats or funkified Colombian salsa in one room, then chill to a strikingly thoughtful collaboration between an African master bard and a world-class cellist next door. For one reasonably priced ticket, music lovers can catch global pop and traditional artists destined to make an impact in the U.S.-all in a single jubilant, compelling evening.globalFEST began as an antidote to the xenophobia that struck post 9-11, to the closing borders and closing minds a group of dedicated arts presenters felt. Visas were harder to get. Suspicion and fear were rampant.Now, as America is opening its doors to old rivals and new international connections, globalFEST, in its eighth year, continues to evolve, promoting stronger economic ties with troubled neighbors like Cuba and Haiti and encouraging the ongoing expansion of global music's presence on American stages by reaching out to presenters in town for the APAP conference.Videos