Mother Load, the one-woman show written and performed by Amy Wilson (Broadway's The Last Night of Ballyhoo, "Felicity," Kinsey), and directed by Julie Kramer (New York Fringe Festival's It's a Hit) will play at Off-Broadway's Sage Theater (711 7th Avenue at 47th/48th St.) for an eight-week limited engagement, Saturday, April 21st through Saturday, June 16. Opening Night is Friday, May 4th.
"In a hilarious depiction of competitive parenting in the most competitive city in the world, Amy Wilson shares a first hand account of catered toddler's birthday parties, eight hundred dollar strollers, and nursery school applications that require contemplative written essays. Whether you are a mom or just have one, you'll identify with Amy's struggle and cheer as she overcomes it," state press notes.
The show plays the following regular schedule through Saturday, June 16th: Wednesdays "Mom's Matinee" at 11 AM, Wednesdays at 8 PM, Thursdays at 8 PM, Fridays at 8 PM, Saturdays at 2 PM and 8 PM There is also a 3 PM performance on Sunday, April 22nd.
Tickets are $45 and go on sale February 23rd at or by calling 212-279-4200. Tickets may also be purchased in person at the Ticket Central Box Office, located at 416 W. 42nd Street, between 9th and 10th.