February 1 - 10, AfterWork Theatre Project presents HAIR, at the LABA Theater. Produced by Evan Greenberg and directed/choreographed by Alex Perez, the show will musical direction by Julian Reeve and stage management by Monica Daniels.
The show will feature: Jimena Baez, Alex Krupp, John Qualia, Johnny Christie, Amanda Kemmerer, Samantha Raddock, Amanda Fink, Jennie Mamary, Lisa Ramey, Mackenzie Flint, Lauren McDonough, Frankie Rodriguez, Thomas Gensemer, Katharine McSherry, Jamie Roth, Reiko Goodwin, Matthew Mezzacappa, Ariane Ryan, Khrishna Grace, Jade Millan, Sarah Sanders, Evan Greenberg, Patrick Mills, Kati Schwartz, Marilynn Greenberg, Kiko Nakadai, Emily Sireno, Shantel Hadzov - Philip Odango - Mollie Thoennes, Jen Hurlbert - Shara Perlman - Alan Van Antwerp, Cardozie Jones, Mike Pitsikoulis, Jose Villavincencio.
For additional information, visit: http://afterworktheater.com/