In April 2010, Actors Scene Unseen is reprising its multiple MTA-award-winning production of Jeffrey Hatcher's adaptation of Henry James' classic The Turn of the Screw at the Duke Power Theatre in Spirit Square. This production is under special commission by a coalition of child advocacy organizations to mark Child Abuse Prevention Month, and will feature talkbacks on this issue following each performance.
Auditions will be by appointment only at our office/studio on 7th Street in uptown Charlotte. The first round of auditions will be scheduled for Sunday, 1/17/10, 2:00 PM to 5:00 PM and Monday, 1/18/10, 7:00 PM to 10:00 PM. Auditionees should bring a copy of their theatre resume, headshot, and note of all potential conflicts during the rehearsal period (February-April). Actors should be prepared to do cold readings from the script. This role is compensated.Auditioning ONLY for:The Man - Male actor who can play multiple emotionally intense roles, both male and female, children, and adults with a credible British accent to vary with the roles.The part of The Woman will be reprised by Amy Laughter. The director is Dr. Elizabeth Peterson-Vita.In 2009, The Turn of the Screw won 5 MTA Awards in the Special Event category for:Outstanding Production, Outstanding Lead Actress, Outstanding Lead Actor, Outstanding Director, and Outstanding Technical Effect.Videos