Friday April 21st 10pm $5
Creek & Cave 1093 Jackson Ave LIC Queens
Performances by:
Bridey Eliot (HBO: Silicon Valley, Fort Tilden)
Brandon Scott Wolf (Datebrandonscottwolf, Lopez Tonight)
Mookie Thompson (MTV, TruTv)
Kelly Cooper (Annoyance Theatre)
Guest Artist: Luca Federici Carey ( Graphic Novelist )
Hosted by Grant Lindahl ( Above Average, Comedy Central )
Written by Maddalena DeBeni ( Above Average, Comedy Central)
Grant Lindahl is a world renowned visual artist banned from MoMA PS1 for being too extreme. Every month he hosts an interactive comedy show at the Creek and the Cave in LIC Queens. Grant opens each show with an eccentric performance piece. Past stunts include getting tattooed live on stage, having a knife thrown at him and playing a giant paint by numbers with the audience!
Everyone is provided materials and encouraged to make art during the show. Each member gets a limited edition show poster and button with the ticket price. Free beer is provided to the first 10 audience members and art is available for purchase after the show.
Past guest artists have included Erik Bergstrom (The New Yorker), Christina Faraj (Pixar), and Matteo Lane (MTV).