The first public reading of an original horror/comedy with music... ACKERMAN & ASSOCIATES Meet DRACULA, a live radio show, is set for Sunday, October 27th, 2013 at Pearl Studios.
If Halloween brings to mind thoughts of trick or treating, friendly neighbors distributing candies to lovely children in costume, or crisp autumn leaves crunching beneath your feet on a brisk October night... snap out of it!!!! Bring on the ghosts, ghouls and vampires!!!! And, why not the most notorious vampire of all? Dracula, himself, moves to Hollywood in his quest to conquer the movie business and attract talented, nubile starlets-to-be. Will he succeed? Will he suck blood? Find out for yourself as we bring this tale of horror, passion and show-biz to life with a comedic slant in a live reading performed for radio format. Directed by Bill Balzac; Produced by Divi Crockett; Written by Peter Stass; Music by Paul Morin and Patrisa Tomassini.Videos