"Acet-o-philous or Vinegar Love" will play the United Solo Festival tonight, November 2, 2013.
Acet-o-philous: How can a word that doesn't exist, a word given in a dream, become a catalyst for a one woman show? So it was that the transformative power of Vinegar Love began.
Acet-o-philous or Vinegar Love is a story told through monologue and song about redemptive transformation--from near loss, the power of nature and the attempt to love.
This dynamic one woman show, a culmination of decades of work, will be presented at The United Solo Festival in NYC, on Saturday, Nov. 2, at 9:00 PM at Theater Row, 410 W. 42nd St. 10036. Tickets are available at TELECHARGE: 212-239-6200, www.telecharge.com or unitedsolo.org.
ElizaBeth considers herself a Tex Yorker. Born in Texas and currently living in the Dallas/Ft. Worth area, ElizaBeth spent the years in-between studying and working in theatre in NYC. For more about ElizaBeth, visit www.earth-art-heart.com.