As Gay Star News reports, the New Zealand town of Dunedin is taking non-binary issues very seriously...and not so seriously. The town recently recently made school uniforms gender neutral, and now the Regent Theatre has installed a bathroom sign that shows off positive spirit alongside concern for equality.
Check out the sign in the theatre's tweet announcement:
New signage arrived today for our most accessible loo - we're delighted with it! #lovewins #artsforall #Regentloveseveryone
- Regent Theatre (@RegentDunedin) March 23, 2017
Theatre directer Sarah Anderson said the goal of the sign has so far been achieved. "We like people to be relaxed and that's the point of having the sign. It takes any anxiety away for people who might feel pressured into going into toilets specified for one gender, or another, when they don't necessarily relate to that gender."
Hannah Molloy, marketing manager for the Regent agrees the response has been positive. "People are delighted ... we haven't had any negative feedback at all. Clearly there is a demand for it - society is ready."
Photo courtesy of Regent Dunedin on Twitter