What is the concept of your In the Wings show? I wanted to do a show that would pay tribute to, and honor some of the many strong women who have influenced my life. Those who professionally, personally, artistically and politically have caused me to think about things and taught me lessons that have helped shape who I am.
What are some of the songs we'll be hearing? I wanted to go for a jazzy, blue grass, rock, old school R&B feel...So yeah, it's a little bit of everything with a few show tunes thrown in for good measure. I'll be singing some Eva Cassidy and a little Nina Simone too. Oh, and my 50 Cent medley...I'm kidding. Maybe!
Why do a solo show now? Hey...I'm a performer...and like all performers I have an ego. So, is there really anytime that's a bad time to have a show all about me? Did I mention this show is about me? Haha...
Have you always been inspired by strong women? Who? I think strong women inspire everyone, except for maybe self-indulgent men! I've been blessed to have a continuous string of influential women in my life, my grandmother, my mother, sister, and friends who have all taught me how to be a better person
Any special guest stars we can look forward to? Of course there are, because I love singing with my friends! The amazingly talented and gorgeous Cheyenne Jackson will be singing with me... I also have the fabulous and amazing Schele Williams, Allison Lee and Natalie Joy Johnson helping me out.
Who are some of your idols working today? Dolly Parton, Bjork, Holly Cole... In theatre I am amazed by so many of the talented women like Idina Menzel for example. And then of course people like Bernadette Peters and Bebe Neuwirth who are both consummate professionals and wonderful performers.
Is it hard being a young singer/actress on Broadway right now? I think it is always hard, but with the recent trend of stunt casting with pop and TV stars it's definitely harder.. Producers are less willing to take a chance on a talented unknown.
As AIDA draws to a close, what's been a favorite moment for you with the show? Well, for me personally, it would have to be the curtain call for the first time I went on as Amneris. It was my Broadway debut as a lead in an amazing musical! My entire family was there, including my Grandmother, and I wa so excited to have there to see me take that giant step.
Female role in a musical you'd love to try on for size...Dream role? I would love to be in Wicked or be the Bakers Wife in into the Woods.. But I have always wanted to play Mrs. Lovett in Sweeny Todd. However a dream role would be the character of Doralee Rhodes that Dolly Parton played in Nine to Five.. Will someone make that into a musical please and cast me?
Lori Ann Strunk: In the Wings - Monday, August 30, 2004 9:30 PM. Fez Under Time Cafe. 380 Lafayette St.Tickets $15 For reservations, call (212) 533-7000