Following upon the special concert by Musica Viva NY on Sunday, April 8 to commemorate the 50th anniversary of the assassination of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. on April 4, 1968, the Lifelines Center and the Peace and Justice Task Force of All Souls invite you to join us for a very special performance of the dramatic and musical adaptation of Calvin Alexander Ramsey's children's book, "The Last Mule at Gee's Bend" on Tuesday, April 17. This special performance is directed by Vincent Scott and will feature actors C. Kelly Wright and Jordan Hall, as well as musical editor, Ms. Emma Kemp, who will also be our pianist for the evening. For more information, go to:
This is a true story from the Civil Rights era that includes seven spiritual songs arranged by Harry T. Burleigh, including the song Going Home, made famous by Antonín Dvo?ák in his New World Symphony. It tells an account of the two mules that drew the wagon carrying Dr. King's body during his funeral procession in Atlanta, following the assassination. Dr. King visited Gees Bend three weeks before Selma's Bloody Sunday on March 7, 1965, to urge residents to vote.
Mr. Ramsey is dedicating this special performance to the Rev. Richard Leonard in honor of his involvement during the Civil Rights Movement and his acclaimed account of the March to Selma in his book, Call To Selma. Mr. Ramsey also wishes to dedicate this performance to the Rev. James Orange, an assistant to Dr. King during the Civil Rights era, from whom Mr. Ramsey learned personally the story of the two mules.
Please invite your friends to join.