A Classic Theatre is proud to announce the director and cast of their May production of the Greek classic comedy, Lysistrata by Aristophanes. The play is a bawdy comedy celebrating the power of women and a condemnation of war.
These women use the only means they had to stop their men fighting...withholding sex! Lysistrata is the heroine who convinces women from Athens and neighboring Sparta to join forces ... thus creating what can be called the very first women's movement! Life being what it is, the play shines a light on the comedy of politics, power, lust and greed. Sounds familiar, doesn't it?
The production will be directed in the style of a Staged Reading by the talented director/actress, Harolyn Sharpe. This is her 10th year as a full time faculty member at Florida State College at Jacksonville, Kent Campus, teaching speech and communication. She has created and directed three Readers Theatre productions for FSCJ, Teacher Man, The American Dream (which was also presented at the Cummer Museum), and The Little Prince. Harolyn has been meshing education and drama for 35 years. Her directing credits in Northeast FL include Pippin for Theatre Jacksonville and Madam Bonaparte (a New Voices production) for Players by the Sea.
The cast of 13 is divided into two camps of outraged and outrageous citizens of Athens and of Sparta. The actresses include: Meredith Wolfe as Lysistrata, the powerful and beautiful Athenian leader of the sexual revolt; and Julie Grayauskie, Teresa Harris, Evelyn Lynam, Katie Timoney, Murrell Weissinger and Kathryn Masters. The men of Athens and Sparta are portrayed by Jon Beshara, Jim Cadigan, John Grayauskie, Jon Sabino, Bill White, and Jim Wells.
The production will have only 3 performances during the Romanza Festivale of the Arts on May 10-13. Friday and Saturday at 7:30pm and Sunday at 2pm. At the Gamache-Koger Theater in the Ringhaver Student Center, 50 Sevilla St., downtown St. Augustine.
Tickets are $20. Available online at www.aclassictheatre.org. For reservations or information call Jan at 904-501-5093 (pay by cash or check only at the door)