Jackie Jennings and James Dwyer -- co-hosts & creators of A BIG DUMB THING -- will stage for the FIRST TIME EVER a comedy show of astronomical proportions that they are asking the press refer to simply as "PLEASE ARREST US"!! The show will TEST the limits of FREE SPEECH in America as we immerse ourselves in the bottomless hell of a Trump Administration presidency by presenting the audience with the most degraded, offensive, and bizarre acts of comedy targeted at THE MAN WHO HOLDS THE HIGHEST OFFICE IN THE LAND (and ALL who are associated with him).
This ONE TIME ONLY comedy & variety show will take place on the First of February in the year Two Thousand and Seventeen A WEDNESDAY at Eleven Post Meridien at the HISTORIC Upright Citizens Brigade Theatre in the CHELSEA neighborhood of MANHATTAN beneath a GRISTEDES. The show will charge a mere FIVE DOLLARS for admission and have a strict run-time of ONE HOUR with NO intermission. NO person who enters the theatre shall be allowed permission into the back hallways as this is STRICTLY FORBIDDEN. As of press time, the dynamite lineup of A BIG DUMB THING PRESENTS "PLEASE ARREST US" includes The Trio of MOLLY GAEBE, JENN ROMAN & JULIE ROSING (Buzz Off Lucille, TLC's Strange Addiction) Zack Pearlman (A-Aron from Key & Peele skit), MOUJAN ZOLFAGHARI (Horse+Horse, Mrs. Robot), ALEX ESTRADA (Maude Night, Snopes.com), Matt Dennie (Law & Order: Space, Big Margaret), JOHN TROWBRIDGE (Maude Night, porn), JAIME LUTZ & KATIE SISK (Llllloyd Night, Girlfriend's Guide to Divorce), SAM NAISMITH & MAGGIE WIDDOES (BWI Airport Welcome Video, Lllllloyd Night) MAX KNOBLAUCH (The Daily Burn, Llllloyd Night, CCTV) and PETER RAWLINGS (Maude Night, Tickled)Videos