On July 9, I received an e-mail from a friend who teaches musical theatre at a university. He forwarded me another e-mail from a former student about that person's friend's musical that had been invited into NYMF, but needed a producer. Would I look at it? Sure, why not?
So I contacted Joe Major, who wrote Bernice Bobs Her Mullet, and we agreed to meet a couple of days later. He pitched me his show and had me laughing over lunch. I read it. I thought it was cute and had potential. I met with Isaac Robert Hurwitz to find out how NYMF works…and I realized that I'd lose a ton of money producing this show. So I said "yes." What am I? Nuts?
We were late to the game by at least a month. We were too late for the "official" NYMF Equity auditions. I had no team in place. I had about a minute and a half to find a director, choreographer, musical director, orchestrator, designers and a cast.
Though I've produced hundreds of shows, this would be my first in New York. I called in every favor I could think of. Within a week, I had hired a bright young director. Together, we assembled a team – some young and eager types that he knew and a couple of more experienced friends of mine. We cast the show without holding an audition, thanks to a wonderful casting director (Michael Cassara).
With two more performances left, do I regret a moment of it? Or a dollar of it? Hell, no! Producing Bernice… at NYMF has truly been a joy. Our incredible team made magic on a shoestring budget. Our cast is amazing, talented and committed (though I think I'm the one who should be committed).
So thanks to all who prodded me into insanity. Should I do it again? No. Will I? Hmm….