By David Pevsner (Music and Lyrics)
I was one of the creators of Naked Boys Singing, and it was amazing to me that my dirty mind and sparkling wit (I say with a wink) could combine to help create what became pretty much a phenomenon…people love it. I caught a lot of flak for writing “that kind” of show…a boyfriend split with me over it, my mother thinks I’m a pervert…but the truth is, that’s how I think…sex, and all the accoutrements that come with it, is funny to me, but that’s not all I’m about…I’m incurably romantic and I think smart is sexy. Yes, The Fancy Boys Follies has fisting jokes but we also have the unbearable desire to find love from across the room. I think we all have the potential to go from romantic to sex pig at the drop of a hat if we let ourselves, and that’s what I wanted this Vaudelesque to reflect…that, and the desire to say a hearty “fuck you” to the conservative prudishness that seems to be squelching our sexuality and body image. Mostly...I want you to laugh.Videos