The plays and musicals that will be included in the 2006 New York International Fringe Festival have been announced on the organization's website. The dates for FringeNYC 2006 are Friday, August 11th through Sunday, August 27th; it will take place at various venues.
T"he New York International Fringe Festival (FringeNYC) is the largest multi-arts festival in North America, with more than 200 companies from all over the world performing for 16 days in more than 20 venues – that's a total of more than 1300 performances!," state press notes.This year, shows will range from dramas (such as Lisa del Rosso's Claire's Room), to musicals (such as Chris Harcum and Debby Schwartz' Some Kind of Pink Breakfast) to performance hybrids (such as Harriet Hopperdoodle's Hair-Brained History Test! by Jeanne Beechwood and Jon Copeland).Performances are from 2pm to midnight on weekdays, and noon to midnight on weekends.For a complete list of Fringe Festival shows, visit