While 1812 Productions' annual political comedy This Is The Week That Is storms through the month of December, we are pleased to present a two-night-only special event Improvukkah: Improv for the Holidays.
Just in time for the festival of lights, Improvukkah: Improv for the Holidays brings a group of Philadelphia's finest improvisers to the stage for two evenings of on-the-spot comedy. Featuring long form, short form, and musical improvisation, Improvukkah: Improv for the Holidays will be hosted by Thomas E. Shotkin as Uncle Shotsie, a character made famous to Philadelphia audiences by his many appearances in 1812 Productions' This Is The Week That Is.
An event perfect for families, and celebrators of any December holiday, much of the evening's line up will be determined by the audience as the cast will take its cues from unsuspecting ticket holders who will provide the suggestions, motivations, and directions that get each scene moving. And, as this special event coincides with the start of Hanukkah, audiences will even be treated to some Pentateuch-inspired games and improvised Yiddish folk songs, courtesy of Uncle Shotsie and his not-so-traditional style.
Improvukkah's cast of veteran improv performers includes 1812 favorites Dave Jadico and Mary Carpenter. Jadico and Carpenter are the current and former, respectively, Artistic Directors of ComedySportz, Philadelphia's longest running comedy show. They will be joined onstage by fellow ComedySportz improvisers Langston Darby, Noah Herman, Kristin Finger, and Fred Siegel.
Improvukkah: Improv for the Holidays will be performed for two nights only, Monday, December 15 at 7:30pm and Tuesday, December 16 at 7:30pm at Plays &
Players Theatre, 1714 Delancey Street in Center City. All tickets are $25 and can be purchased at
215-592-9560 or at