This duel conceived by Edward Albee in 1962 and transferred to the big screen later returns to the tables of the theatre, this time starring the actress Carmen Machi. Converted into Martha will be sour wife who plays a power struggle with George, who on this occasion will be interpetado by Pere Arquillué. One of the works that resulted in a change in the American drama, bringing it closer to the new European trends in the second half of the 20th century: ' who's afraid of Virginia Woolf?'.
Under the direction of Daniel Veronese and accompanied by Mireia Aixalà on paper, honey and Ivan Benet in Nick's this couple will show how marriage can become suffering. A night that was intended to become an evening of lively conversations just to become a release of acid and willing to give attacks where it hurts most. The darker feelings will be revealed to the public who wants to enjoy with a text that has already been successful both in theatre and in film.