The story takes place between the speech of Prince Albert at Wembley in 1925 and the speech himself, and as King George VI in 1939, to communicate that war with Germany was declared.
Voice, speech, eloquence. The power of the voice, speech. A man without word is a man without power.
The voices around us, hug us or attack us.
The voice of an announcer of the BBC to millions of listeners.
The voices of a hundred thousand spectators in a stadium roaring.
The voice on the radio of the world leaders that draw crowds in the world to the limit. The power of eloquence demented Hitler.
The loss of power of a king by his lack of eloquence.
The critical importance of a voice therapist Lionel Logue as to make a King.
The monarchy that has just discovered its fragility and need to use your voice to enter homes through the radio. To survive at all costs.
The theatrical role of the monarchy. Its proximity to the theater. King as Actor ... The Actor as King.
The truth of the friendship between two ordinary men struggling to overcome a mere human being to the challenges of life.
The truth of the friendship between two ordinary men against the artifice of representation, against the cruelty of misfortune.
The love of a woman as life force.
Humor and love as therapy for survival.
The triumph of the word.
"To be or not to be. That's the dilemma. What is more worthy for the soul? Meekly suffer cruelty of misfortune, or by facing end it? ..."