The action takes place at the end of the 19th century in a small town in the South of the United States. The ambitious Regina (Nuria Espert), wife of the local banker James Giddens (Víctor Valverde), along with his two brothers, Ben (Héctor Colomé) and Oscar (Ricardo Joven), whose lack of scruples has risen them to local chieftains, decide to implement the dream of his life: raise a large textile factory near its plantations of cotton, which multiply their profits thanks to the control over the local population. The action begins at a dinner that under the agreement reached with a large firm in Chicago, whose owner, William Marshall (Paco Lahoz), visit them to seal the Pact. When they say goodbye to the guest, Ben and Oscar insist to his sister Regina so I get that her husband invested in the business and she asked to change to change exploitative participation. Regina sent her daughter, Alexandra (Carmen Conesa) to look for James, intern at a hospital where is recovering from a serious heart attack.
The three brothers - Regina, Ben and Oscar - part the dominant and evil family, while James and Alexandra are the good part and more noble, along with the Birdie (Jeannine Mestre), wife of Oscar miserable. Leo (Markos Marín), their son, is useful and accommodative fool, and Addie (Ileana Wilson), the black maid, is the impartial observer. The drama is very well built and the nine characters make up a solid plot, supported by a quality text and a few dialogues of the first category.
An impeccable translation and a correct version help it us home. The unstoppable rise of a new upstart social class of a capitalist profiteer resulted from trade and agriculture due to an institutional crisis which sinks to the old dominant aristocracy, would have allowed to establish clear associations with the recent Spanish history, this transition from Francoism to democracy that has been troubled for greedy, hypocritical fishermen gain and unscrupulous. But Vera has preferred a strict Historicism and has set the play in original time and space. This election or the opposite always lend themselves to say in favour or against, but we can not stop thinking about how had been about Hubbard and some Hiddens with indigenous surnames in the context of regime change that we have lived through these decades and which is not even clear that we have overcome.