This show, starring the Japanese Shoji Kojima company and inspired by the Libretto written by Piave for Verdi's opera and the strength of the fate of Ziryab dance show, check out the old motives of love and the fatum, intransigence and absurd weightlessness of the actions of humans, and in a very special wayIt calibrates the competence of the Flemish dance as language independent, able to transcend the encorsetadora structure neoclassical flamenco bat to address the dramatization of a complex history in terms of its argument, to the different flat dramatic and musical and choreographic complex syntax. With a structure that alternates - as in the opera, as in the romantic drama - recitativo with aria, traditionalists pictures with dramatic situations, as well as the various styles and expressive resources.
The Japanese dancer company presents this show in the 20th national competition of Flamenco art.
The choreography is the result as well as the dancer Javier Latorre, who swept the NTFA in 1989 and since 2006 directs the Center for dance that bears his name in the theatre of the Axerquia of Córdoba.
For its part, the libretto and stage directions are provided by Francisco López.