Aladdin, a musical genius, combines the magic of the story and the musical spectacular.
This musical family preserves the charm of the adventures of "The thousand and one nights", with its luxurious palaces and bustling bazaars impregnated with this oriental scent that pervades the scene since the curtain rises. And at the same time, tells the story from the purest musical language, creating show and surprised the audience with unexpected numbers. The viewer will experience long journeys through the musical numbers: life in the Palace, the hustle and bustle of the Bazaar, the number of magic costumes that genius makes dancing to Aladin, the Ballad of love on the carpet...
But above all highlight the numbers by the genius, since this character allows us to create spectacle of sequins, lights and tap in the purest style Broadway. Aladin will Jasmin with its flying carpet. The public will see, literally, as the carpet defies the law of gravity to rise and move through the center of the stage leaving behind the silhouettes of the city in the evening.