LE FRICK Theatre Company presents ALFONSINA, about the texts and life of Alfonsina Storni, with playwright and director Dario Cortes, open now in Buenos Aires.
The show opened in Buenos Aires April 20 and runs Fridays and Saturdays at 21:00h.
The cast features actor Viviana Suraniti and the creative team includes assistant director Julian Luque, literary manager Adrian Melo, lighting by Dario Cortes, costumes by Maria D'Alleva, and more from Ezekiel Demaestri, Checha Amorosil, Mariano Pérez Cabriada and Sacha Manzur.
"Alfonsina" is a 60-minute, one-man retrospective that runs through the moments of the life and writings that marked the character and sensitivity of the iconic Storni. Presenting a new image of the poet: natural, human, light, not idealized in his most difficult times, in order to discuss issues not mentioned in most biographies, to raise the image of a feisty, feminist, mother, artist, daughter of immigrants who at 20 years determined to get a place in the culture of Buenos Aires.
More information: www.alfonsinateatro.blogspot.com.ar.