Disney's Beauty and the Beast, an international sensation that has been produced in 37 countries worldwide. Based on the Academy Award-winning animated feature, the stage version includes all of the wonderful songs written by Alan Menken and the late Howard Ashman, along with new songs by Mr. Menken and Tim Rice. The original Broadway production ran for over thirteen years and was nominated for nine Tony Awards, including Best Musical.
The classic story tells of Belle, a young woman in a provincial town, and the Beast, who is really a young prince trapped under the spell of an enchantress. If the Beast can learn to love and be loved, the curse will end and he will be transformed into his former self. But time is running out. If the Beast does not learn his lesson soon, he and his household will be doomed for all eternity.
Mutts Gone Nuts UNLEASHED
The Grand Oshkosh (4/5 - 4/5) | ||
The Beat Goes On starring Lisa McClowry as CHER
The Grand Oshkosh (4/27 - 4/27) | ||
The Singing Zoologist Animals Rock!
The Grand Oshkosh (4/13 - 4/13) | ||
Assisted Living: The Musical
The Grand Oshkosh (2/1 - 2/1) | ||
The Lion King
Fox Cities Performing Arts Center (1/8 - 1/26) | ||
Ain't Too Proud (Non-Equity)
Grand Theater (4/15 - 4/16) | ||
The Cher Show (Non-Equity)
Weidner Center for the Performing Arts (4/18 - 4/18) | ||
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