The story revolves around the last days of Willy Loman, a failing salesman, who cannot understand how he failed to win success and happiness. Through a series of tragic soul-searching revelations of the life he has lived with his wife, his sons, and his business associates, we discover how his quest for the "American Dream" kept him blind to the people who truly loved him. A thrilling work of deep and revealing beauty that remains one of the most profound classic dramas of the American theatre.
Now and Then (1/9/25-1/11/25)
The Magic of Kevin Spencer- Sensory Friendly Public Performance (1/17/25-1/18/25)
Missoula Children's Theatre: The Wizard of Oz (1/25/25-1/25/25)
Tony Jackson (1/29/25-1/29/25)
Assisted Living: The Musical (2/1/25-2/1/25)
Catch Me If You Can (2/13/25-2/16/25)
Crystal Gayle (2/21/25-2/21/25)
Good Co- Electro-Swing Band (2/22/25-2/22/25)
Sister's Easter Catechism (2/26/25-2/26/25)
Listen To Her Heart: The Tom Petty Experience (2/28/25-2/28/25)
Aesop Bops! (3/5/25-3/5/25)
Rhythm of the Dance (3/7/25-3/7/25)
Janet's Planet: A Tour Through the Solar System (4/3/25-4/3/25)
The Coalminers Present: Always Loretta (4/4/25-4/4/25)
Mutts Gone Nuts UNLEASHED (4/5/25-4/5/25)
The Stinky Cheese Man and Other Fairly Stupid Tales (4/10/25-4/10/25)
The Singing Zoologist "Animals Rock!" (4/13/25-4/13/25)
The Beat Goes On starring Lisa McClowry as CHER (4/27/25-4/27/25)
The Fourth Wall- How Music Works: The Science of Sound (5/1/25-5/1/25)
The Fourth Wall: Fruit Flies Like a Banana (5/2/25-5/2/25)
Alice in Wonderland (5/6/25-5/6/25)
Glenn Miller Orchestra (5/21/25-5/21/25)
The Grand Oshkosh is at 100 High Ave, Oshkosh, WI.
Nutcracker- The Ballet (12/20/24-12/28/24)
For Kids from 1-92! (12/13/24-12/14/24)
Sister's Christmas Catechism (12/12/24-12/12/24)
Christmas with John Berry- The 28th Annual Tour (12/10/24-12/10/24)
Sounds of the Season (12/7/24-12/7/24)
B2wins Present "Sounds of the Season" (12/7/24-12/7/24)
Twas a Girls Night Before Christmas (12/6/24-12/6/24)
Christmas with Lorie Line (12/4/24-12/4/24)
Kuniko Yamamoto: Japanese Storytelling with Magical Mask, Mime and Music (11/5/24-11/5/24)
Bob Seger & John Mellencamp Tribute Shows (11/2/24-11/2/24)
Yonder Mountain String Band
Poplar Hall (2/20 - 2/20) | ||
Listen To Her Heart: The Tom Petty Experience
The Grand Oshkosh (2/28 - 2/28) | ||
A Beautiful Noise
Fox Cities Performing Arts Center (4/29 - 5/4) | ||
Fox Cities Performing Arts Center (6/3 - 6/8) | ||
The Lion King
Fox Cities Performing Arts Center (1/8 - 1/26) | ||
Hadestown (Non-Equity)
Grand Theater (1/6 - 1/7) | ||
Nutcracker- The Ballet
The Grand Oshkosh (12/20 - 12/28) | ||
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