This week the Comedy Quarter hosts Shaun Jones, a comedian and Newark native whose comedic style blends his blunt opinions and quick wit with an original form. Shaun Jones will appear at the Comedy Quarter September 15-19.
Shows at the Comedy Quarter will take place at 7:30 pm on Wednesday, Thursday and Sunday and 7:30 and 9:45 pm on Friday and Saturday.Shaun Jones has appeared on television shows like NBC's "Later," BET's "Teen Summit," "Comic View" and "One Mic Stand." He has also appeared in movies like Ace Ventura II: When Nature Calls and Shade, a 2003 movie starring Sylvester Stalone and Jamie Foxx. Shaun Jones often takes his stand up comedy on tour and has performed at comedy clubs and venues all over the country, from Georgia to Wisconsin.
Tickets range in price from $3 to $6, with VIP dinner and show tickets available for $15. For more information and to reserve tickets, please call 920-722-5653 or visit