The play is a farcical black comedy revolving around Mortimer Brewster, a drama critic who must deal with his crazy, homicidal family and local police in Brooklyn, NY, as he debates whether to go through with his recent promise to marry the woman he loves. His family includes two spinster aunts who have taken to murdering lonely old men by poisoning them with a glass of home-made elderberry wine laced with arsenic, strychnine, and "just a pinch" of cyanide; a brother who believes he is Teddy Roosevelt and digs locks for the Panama Canal in the cellar of the Brewster home (which then serve as graves for the aunts' victims); and a murderous brother who has received plastic surgery performed by an alcoholic accomplice, Dr. Einstein (a character based on real-life gangland surgeon Joseph Moran) to conceal his identity and now looks like horror-film actor Boris Karloff (a self-referential joke, as the part was originally played by Karloff -- both on Broadway and in Anchorage when ACT presented the play in 1959).
The Thanksgiving Play
Perseverance Theatre (2/28 - 3/16) | ||
Atwood Concert Hall (1/29 - 2/9) | ||
The Thanksgiving Play
UAA Fine Arts Mainstage (4/4 - 4/13) | ||
Tina: The Tina Turner Musical (Non-Equity)
Atwood Concert Hall (4/2 - 4/13) | ||
Beetlejuice - Age recommendation is 13+
Atwood Concert Hall (1/29 - 2/9) | ||
Beetlejuice - ASL Interpreted Performance, Age recommendation is 13+
Atwood Concert Hall (2/2 - 2/2) | ||
Alabama Story by: Kenneth Jones
Anchorage Community Theatre (2/7 - 3/2) | ||
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