Based on the beloved novel by Louisa May Alcott, Little Women returns to the unforgettable story of the March family as it is brought to the stage for the next generation
Perseverance Theatre and the UAA Department of Theatre and Dance have joined to co-produce Kate Hamill's vibrant adaptation of Little Women, based on the novel by Louisa May Alcott. Directed by Cara Hinh, Little Women will run on the Mainstage of the UAA Fine Arts Building from December 2nd, 2022 until December 18th, 2022.
Based on the beloved novel by Louisa May Alcott, Little Women returns to the unforgettable story of the March family as it is brought to the stage for the next generation. Jo longs to be a writer and travel the world. Meg hopes to marry a respectable man and start a family. Amy wishes she could hurry and grow up already. And Beth just wants everyone to be happy. In this fresh take on a classic coming of age story, the beloved March sisters grow up against the backdrop of the Civil War. Featuring Anchorage talent Vivian Melde (Marmie), Grace Goodyear (Amy), Frank Delaney (Robert March / Mr. Laurence), and Isaac Kumpula as John Brooks/Parrot/Mr. Dashwood, this production also features Ema Zivkovic as Jo, Jiayi Ying as Beth, Maya Carter as Meg, Jack Scholz as Laurie, and Valorie Kissel as Hannah/Mrs. Mingott.
Little Women will run on the Mainstage of the UAA Fine Arts Building from December 2nd, 2022 until December 18th, 2022. There will be two ASL accessible performances on Friday, December 16th and Saturday, December 17th, with ASL Translation provided by UAA Disability Student Services.