In the spirit of "This American Life" and "The Moth", "Arctic Entries" brings Alaskans to the stage to tell their personal stories - funny, sad and sweet. Torn from the pages of real life, Seattle based performer Kimball Allen shares the stage with six other storytellers. The show's theme is Delusion; Stories of Seeing Things, Defying Reality and Sky-High Dreaming.
Kimball Allen is a former-Anchorage, now-Seattle based actor and writer. He is a best-selling Off-Broadway playwright and is a member of the Dramatist Guild of America. Allen is the creator and host of "Triple Threat with Kimball Allen"; a recurring variety talk show. He has written for several syndicated publications such as the New York Times and filmed with Comedy Central and Amazon studios. He is thrilled to be back in Anchorage.
Proceeds made from ticket sales go to a non-profit partner selected at the beginning of each season. "Arctic Entries" is recorded and archived on iTunes. "The Arctic Entries Radio Hour" (a subset of the live show) can be heard on KSKA 91.1, watched on KAKM public television or online at Alaska Public Media.
Arctic Entries runs Tuesday November 10, 7:30pm at Discovery Theatre, 621 W. 6th Avenue, Anchorage AK, 99501. For info or tickets visit
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