ACT's family holiday comedy, My Three Angels, opens this Friday and runs through Sunday December 23, 2012 on Thursday, Friday and Saturday evenings at 7 and Sunday afternoons at 3. The play is a lot of fun. And it will have a special guest this Friday on opening night-- Jack Roderick, Anchorage's former mayor who played one of the "angels" in our 1960 production.
The cast includes Kevin Bennett, the actor who was featured in Perseverance's Of Mice and Men, as the lead "angel." When a family is facing a dire situation, three unlikely "angels" step in from above—from the roof, that is. Celebrate the holidays and laugh with your family and friends, as you discover that it’s what’s inside a person that counts. Call 868-4913 for tickets or get them online. Tickets are $15 for adults, $13 for seniors/military/students and $11 for kids under $11.