In this much acclaimed adaptation by Joseph Hanreddy and J. R. Sullivan, you enter the world of Jane Austen's much loved novel, the story of love and life among English gentility during the Georgian era. This is the classic story of the Bennets, a family of five daughters with loving parents who wish to arrange profitable marriages. They are not from the upper class, and their house in Hertfordshire will be inherited by a distant cousin if Mr. Bennet dies. Enter the dashing Mr. Darcy, a newcomer to town who, along with his friend, the wealthy bachelor, Mr. Bingley, arrive in town to spend the summer in a mansion nearby their property. This sends all of the local women - especially those in the Bennett household - into a tizzy. The shy and beautiful eldest Jane ends up falling in with Mr. Bingley, while her sister, Elizabeth, finds Mr. Darcy a snobbish and proud man, and she swears to loathe him forever. Can they overcome their mutual pride and prejudice?
Die Walküre
Santa Fe Opera (7/26 - 8/21) | ||
Tina: The Tina Turner Musical (Non-Equity)
Popejoy Hall (5/15 - 5/18) | ||
Hadestown Teen Edition
North 4th Arts Center (1/24 - 2/9) | ||
Adobe Theater (3/7 - 3/30) | ||
The Turn of the Screw
Santa Fe Opera (7/19 - 8/5) | ||
The Comedy of Errors
Popejoy Hall (4/6 - 4/6) | ||
The Doo Wop Project
Popejoy Hall (5/11 - 5/11) | ||
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