Teatro Paraguas, northern New Mexico's premier multi-lingual theatre, celebrates its ten-year anniversary with the UNDER ONE UMBRELLA FESTIVAL, inviting the diverse populations, artists and community groups of Santa Fe to develop and share their creative expressions.
The festival weekend opens on Friday, November 22 at 7 pm with an evening of Recuerdos Vivos New Mexico, Living Memories, featuring a Share Your Recuerdos open mic and a preview/fundraiser of When the Stars Trembled in Río Puerco. This oral history play is based on the work of celebrated folk historian Nasario García, and adapted and directed by Shebana Coelho.
The play makes vivid recuerdos of life in four now ghosts towns south of Cuba, New Mexico. The stories span the 1920s through the 1950s: a small boy witnessing Navajo raiding parties, influenza carrying a whole family away, somber and funny rituals with saints (punishing the santos), traumas about land regulation and destruction of cattle by law enforcement agents, ballads about tragedies and shootouts, and ghost stories about brujería and cosas raras, witches and strange sights.
Visit the project website at www.recuerdosvivosnewmexico.com.