Local playwright, Rebecca Morgan, with the help of Teatro Paraguas Children's Theatre Program's after school theatre arts students, has adapted six Coyote Tales from several Native American Tribes of the Southwest.
The full length one hour play, COYOTE THE TRICKSTER, adapted and directed by Rebecca Morgan, is based upon six tales of the Native American trickster character, Coyote: A Navajo Tale called "Coyote Gets a Coat" "Coyote Envies Bluebird," a Cheerokee tale; "Coyote Holds up the Mesa," a Hopi tale; "Turtle Out-Tricks Coyote," another Navajo tale; "Coyote Imitates Elk," a Caddo tale; and "Coyote Steals the Stars," a Pueblo tale about the sky.
The entire family will laugh, sigh, and "tsk tsk"with Coyote as he tries to find his place among the First People. These tales teach us to be ourselves, not try to change who we are by imitating our friends; to question things we hear and make up our own minds about gossip; to keep our heads when things look bad; why bullies never really win and more!
The play is performed in English, with original flute and guitar music by JoJo Sena-Tarnoff. The After-school performing arts students portray all of the First People.
Free performances for area schools April 29 - May 1;
Public Performances May 2 - 3, 2015
WHEN: Saturday, May 2nd at 6 PM; Sunday, May 3rd at 2:00 PM
TICKETS: Call 471-3140 for reservations or Email tpchildrensprogram@gmail.com . $10.00 general admission 18 and over; $5.00 students 17 & under
WEB: www.tpchildrensprogram.weebly.com or www.teatroparaguas.org & click on children's theatre link
Funding for Teatro Paraguas provided in part by
New Mexico Arts, a division of the Department of Cultural Affairs, and The National Endowment for the Arts; The City of Santa Fe Arts Commission and the 1% Lodgers' Tax