Teatro Paraguas and Casablanca Studios (formerly Santa Fe Danceworks) will present the fourth annual El Día de los Muertos Community Celebration October 27 - 29th, 2017.
The Celebration begins on Friday October 27 with El Baile de las Katrinas at Casablanca Studios, located at 1935 Warner St, beginning at 9:00 pm. DJ Ricky provides the music. There will be a Katrina contest, and a cash bar. There is a $7 cover.
The Celebration continues on Saturday at Teatro Paraguas, and includes actors reading poetry and short stories in English and Spanish selected for the occasion, and live music performed by Melange. Saul Carpio, a professional dancer from Mexico, and Lupita Salazar, a member of both Dancing Earth and Moving Arts Española, perform original dances. Companía Chuscales and Mina Fajardo perform an original flamenco adaptation of Carmen. Ann Pelaez of Spiral Dance portrays a tap-dancing esqueleto. Dancers from Los Niños de Santa Fe will perform Ballet Folkorico. The Teatro Paraguas Teen Actors will perform a short play entitled Juan sin miedo (Fearless Juan).
The public is invited to bring photographs and mementos for a Community Altar to honor los antepasados.
The performances take place on Saturday, October 28 at 7:30pm and Sunday October 29 at 2pm. Admission is by a suggested donation of $5; children 12 and under are free. Reservations may be made by calling 424-1601 or emailing teatroparaguas@gmail.com, and tickets may be purchased at the door.
This project is made possible in part by New Mexico Arts, a division of the Dept. of Cultural Affairs, the Santa Fe Arts Commission and the 1% Lodgers' Tax, and the Witter Bynner Foundation for Poetry.
Teatro Paraguas is located at 3205 Calle Marie in Santa Fe. For more information, visit www.teatroparaguas.org.