Teatro Paraguas presents a book launch and reading of two books of poetry.
Catherine Ferguson's I Thought You Would Be Shelter men poems
Since Catherine was a little girl, she had been writing poems. Encouraged by her grandmother, as a child she rhapsodized about "drinking lemonade in the shade." The daughter of two painters who met while studying art in Mexico City, Catherine has been painting all her seventy years, AND writing as much as possible. The collection of "Men" poems, I Thought You Would Be Shelter has been a twenty-two year project to reconcile her longing to be met by a man, and the eventual integration within her psyche to find shelter inside herself. Catherine continues to thank the universe for being able to paint and write every day.
James McGrath's A Festival of Birds
James McGrath's A Festival of Birds is his 6th book with Sunstone Press of Santa Fe. James writes, "A Festival of Birds is a flock of poems for lovers and wanderers: this is poetry for those of us who have strayed into a traditional, foreign culture to find ourselves in love and dancing in The Shadows and light discovering who we are." A Festival of Birds is the gathering of love poems written during the twelve years he lived in Japan and Okinawa. For James, to share these poems is to love again.
Sunday, December 3, 2017 at Teatro Paraguas
3205 Calle Marie, Santa Fe 505-424-1601