Umbrella Theatre (Teatro Paraguas) Children's Program proudly brings "SNOW & WHITE & THE SEVEN CONSERVATIONISTS" to the Teatro Paraguas Studio Theatre in early May 2016, adapted especially for TPCTP and directed by Rebecca Morgan, local producer, director and playwright. The Twins, Snow & White, live with their beautiful Stepmother, Queen Narcissa, who LOVES pizza-especially with ground hog and squirrel sausage provided by her loyal Huntsman. Snow & White soon become the best pizza pie makers in the kingdom, but fresh tomatoes are getting hard to come by .... The Queen has been using pesticides for years to keep the bugs, caterpillars, & butterflies from eating her tomatoes, but it has had it's toil on the soil. The neighboring kingdom is the only place to go for fresh produce, where six composting gnomes and their pet dragon, Belchy, keep the soil rich in nutrients and carbon. But the rot is creeping closer, so the seven conservationists must turn to Prince Garlicbreath for help. In the meantime, the Queen is quickly realizing she is no longer the fairest in the land, thanks to her poetic magic mirror .....will the Huntsman bag her prey? Will the Prince and Belchy ever get along? Will Snow & White find tomatoes to their liking? Yikes! The play is approximately one hour long, and features an original score by MELANGE, enhancing this already magical show, which is sure to deliver, divert, & delight. Suitable for all ages.
"SNOW & WHITE & THE SEVEN CONSERVATIONISTS" comes to TEATRO PARAGUAS, 3205 Calle Marie, Suite B, for the public on Friday, May 6 at 7:00 PM, and Saturday, May 7 at 7:00 PM. Schools may bring their classes to the theatre on school days the first week of May (dates & times TBA). Our story features young actors from TPCTP's after-school performing arts classes in all of the roles, guaranteeing every young actor a Starring Role!
Tickets are $10.00 per seat general admission, $5.00 students 17 and under. Reservations will be held at the Box Office until 15 minutes before showtime. For reservations/information, call TPCTP's voice mail at 471-3140 and leave a message.
Teatro Paraguas' projects are made possible in part by New Mexico Arts, a division of the Department of Cultural Affairs, and the National Endowment for the Arts;The City of Santa Fe Arts Commission and the 1% Lodger's Tax.