Jimmy Stewart...the greatest actor, ever! Rich Little...the greatest impressionist, ever! Now the two luminaries come together in a brand new show starring Rich Little as Jimmy Stewart. The one-man tour-de-force premieres at the Spencer Theater on Friday, September 25 and Saturday, September 26 at 8 p.m., a definite laugh-riot that kicks-off the Spencer's 13th winter season of shows.
• In addition to his Stewart tributes, Mr. Little will do his stand-up routine for patrons attending a special benefit luncheon at the theater at 12 p.m. (noon) Sunday, September 27. The scrumptious lunch, which Mr. Little will also attend, will feature a southwest salad, grilled chicken sandwich with roasted green chilis, fresh fruit & cheese fries and homemade Spencer desserts. Tickets are $60 and all proceeds will benefit the Sean Hannity Freedom Concert Fund, which provides college scholarships for the children of injured or fallen soldiers.
"Rich Little as Jimmy Stewart" is an original comedic homage written and directed by Little, the master of 200 famous voices. Stewart's amazing life and career (1908-1997) included his performances in such classics as "Vertigo", "It's A Wonderful Life", "Harvey" and "The Man Who Shot Liberty Valance," as well as servIce To his country as a Brigadier General in World War II. Mr. Little, who enjoyed a close, personal friendship with Stewart, decided that by becoming Stewart before our eyes - with his identical distinctively slow drawl, voice patterns, and mannerisms -- he could bring us inside the life of the great American. Part roast, part loving tribute, Little portrays Jimmy Stewart and shares hilarious conversations with 24 fellow stars with whom Stewart performed - everyone from Clark Gable, John Wayne, Ronald Reagan and even Harvey the Rabbit.
Little is THE master impresario who has both awed and cracked-up audiences for over 50 years, and in doing so has received countless awards and several stars on walks-of-fame. His personal selection of the Spencer for his show's premiere is a tremendous honor to both the theater and the community-at-large.
"His agent knew of the professionalism of the Spencer, and based on reviews of fellow performers and the special features of the Spencer - as well as the beauty and hospitality of the community - Mr. Little expressed his interest in making this the site for the debut," says Charles Centilli, the Spencer's Executive Director.
Tickets are on sale now! Log onto www.spencertheater.com or call 575.336.4800/ toll free at 888.818.7872 for information.
Spencer Theater is a world-class performance hall located in the Sacramento Mountain settlement of Alto, about 12 miles north of downtown Ruidoso. Unique architecture, outstanding acoustics, intimate seating, and excellent artistry are the Spencer's celebrated features. The elegant, award-winning hall, which first raised its curtains in 1997, seats 514, with no seats farther than 67 feet from the 4,770 square-foot stage. The Spencer also has a 964 square-foot outdoor stage that can seat 1,500. From its Spanish mica-flecked limestone face to the crystal lobby, the building itself is a work of art. Free public tours are offered at 10 a.m. on Tuesdays and Thursdays throughout the year.