The show follows a young boy who dreams of joining the circus. Along his journey he meets an array of performers who showcase the vast abilities of the human body.
Human ingenuity and creativity come together in Omnium Circus at Popejoy Hall on March 17, 2024 at 3:00pm. The show follows a young boy who dreams of joining the circus. Along his journey he meets an array of performers who showcase the vast abilities of the human body. A ringmaster leads a talented crew of clowns, contortionists, and choreographers with crossbows. This is just a sampling of the many talents of this bold new circus.
Founded in 2020, Omnium Circus defines the word omnium as “of all and belonging to all.” This message fits with the organization's focus of multi-abled and multitalented performers in acts ranging from classic aerial stunts to the high-speed energy of unicycle basketball. Omnium Circus believes that a circus experience with a full spectrum of people representative of our global culture as artists, staff and audiences leads the way to a truly diverse, equitable inclusive and accessible society.
Omnium Circus is presented in both English and American Sign Language, making it the only circus in the world to be performed bilingually. The show will also include audio descriptions for increased accessibility. Recently, the group received a $15,000 Grants for Arts Project Award from the National Endowment for the Arts for their work in promoting diversity in the arts as well as funding new acts and expanding the educational experiences connected with the performances.
DC Theater Arts celebrates Omnium Circus as fun for the entire family. “This is truly the circus of the future, full of limit-defying and life-affirming feats, boundless entertainment, and empathy for all.”
Tickets for Omnium Circus are on sale for $69, $55, $45, and $25. Tickets may be purchased online at Tickets are also available to purchase in person at the UNM Ticket Offices located at the UNM Bookstore or by calling (505) 277-4569. For more information on the 2023-2024 Popejoy Presents season, visit
Popejoy Hall is the premier performing arts center in New Mexico. Seating up to 1985 patrons, Popejoy is the largest multi-purpose venue in the state. Following a major renovation in 1996, Popejoy hosts touring Broadway shows, symphony concerts, musical soloists and artists of international caliber, world-renowned ballet, and modern dance companies, and noted speakers from a broad spectrum of disciplines.
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