Julesworks presents edition thirty of Santa Fe's Monthly Variety Show, The Julesworks Follies, on September 29th at 7 pm. Our show continues at the Jean Cocteau Cinema at 418 Montezuma.
The Julesworks Follies commemorates our 30th entry as Santa Fe's only Monthly Variety Show with more of what people are calling vaudeville for the contemporary age. The show continues with our mix of live performance, music, comedy, theatre, poetry, dance, Monty Python sketches, snippets of the Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy BBC radioplay, with more of an emphasis on original material as we grow.
Chris Diestler returns his role as host and also is in sketches and one of our main writers. Diestler is an all-around performer, emcee and DJ with Hutton Broadcasting and much more.
Our resident musician Gregg Turner continues to play selections of his world famous catchy bizarre fun music. The wonderful musician Joie Flare returns as well with her upbeat songs and beautiful voice. Julesworker Ethan J Parrott, who has been in skits and doing Improv, will play a song, probably monthly from now on. Caitlin Alexander returns to be in a sketch or two and also sing. She is rapidly becoming known as one of the best singers in town.
The Julesworks NOT MONTY PYTHON recreate original Monty Python material. This month Rommel and Jules will present the silly Vocational Guidance Counselor Sketch.
The Julesworks Rip Off Team dips into other source material from people far more dedicated, hard working, focused and innately talented than Julesworks including: a sketch from Jam called Thick People, a 00's avant-garde English comedy troupe presented by Sonnenfeld, Rommel, Alexander, and Sibley, Stephen Rommel and Jules will present another scene from A Little Bit of Fry and Laurie, with the great Stephen Fry and Hugh Laurie, Hot Kool Aid Skit with Parrott & Introducing Sabina Gulick (each month we hope for at least one newcomer!), and the great sketch Grammar Nazi by College Humor with Rommel and Jules, spoofing Inglorious Basterds and self righteous language control freaks.
We have also been known to meld ripping off better material and melding it with original deviations so in that vein we present THE FOUR YORKSHIRMEN talking about THE INTERNET.
The serialized reading continues of snippets of the BBC Radio Play Versions of "The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy" with Diestler, Jules, Rommel, Daniel Tarrango, Alexander, Mills, Ethan Parrot and others.
Julesworks presents the 30h chapter of their serial, with a newly expanded title, "Whatever You Do Chatting with God ".
The Julesworks Improved Improv aka Gentlemen with Spreadsheets and their Lovely Ladies will present more prepared games, hybrids of established games with original material, involving audience participation.
As we continue to push ourselves to actually perform original material, we continue our new series called Democracy Later with Host Amy Rudeman played by Leticia Cortez. Guests include Putin, Sussanah Martinez, Leaders on Marijuana and Sarah Palin.
We launch another new series called Inside the Dead Actors Studio with Host Lames Jipton. Guests include Robin Williams, Philip Seymour Hoffman and Shirley Temple. Returning for the second month is newcomer, Marti Mills!!! Mills is a photographer, filmmaker and designer who has been making the fliers. She joins in some sketches.
And presenting ASK A WHITE DUDE where the audience can ask our resident very white person, played by Jules and maybe others.
Other Loyalists who perform as monthly as possible include:
Tom Sibley presenting snippets of his unique one-man comedy and as a member of the Jworks Rip-Off Squads and their Serialized Play. Sibley's star as a stand up comedian continues to rise.
Experimentalist Andrew Kirkpatrick returns with a new piece combining his talents as a singer (Karaoke Master), electronic musician and more.
Leticia Cortez will present a snippet of her original writings with her signature style and social themes. Cortez also participates in many of Julesworks' sketches and improv.
The Open Slot Slot will carry on to possibly allow a quick piece by interested audience members.
Tickets will be $7 to support Julesworks and the newly re-opened Jean Cocteau and your community artists. We will stage the Julesworks Raffle of goodies and prizes donated from restaurants, merchants and artists across Santa Fe to support Julesworks' effort to stage this community monthly variety show.
Tickets available now at: www.jeancocteaucinema.com
We thank Marti Mills for our graphic design and Bruce McIntosh for his video work.
The show will carry on towards the end of each month with our Halloween era edition being our first Thursday show, October 20th.
All performers and artists, as well as anyone interested in helping behind the scenes, are encouraged to submit possible show ideas to Jules at: srubinfilms@gmail.com