Julesworks Follies 61st Edition Annual (Ish) Year End Blow Out will be on Sunday Dec 29th at 7 pm at Le Jean Cocteau Cinema. In past years, the year end show has been extra ruckus fun draw falling between the holidays with more people in town looking for a safe (mostly) place to enjoy! Julesworks has been presenting its live variety show for some seven years, having just performed the 60th episode of their not quite monthly live showcase of an array of performers in many styles, genres, and tastes.
With a mix of short scripted Playlets, music, lively more improv'd impromptu scenes that encourage audience input, involvement and interaction, as well as poetry, games, short personalized snippets and more, the main goal is to offer any interested performer, artist, and audience members a safe environment, without censoring their material, to share new different or sometimes edgier material in a safe, lively, never the same always unique atmosphere.
With a shift in content (and slight delay) required due to an ice caused injury, Julesworks Loyalist Rose Provan will be continuing her original ongoing playlets, in spite of it all, with what will be brand new material based on her current experiences recovering from an injury. The rest of the show will be crafted around this real life experience, melding the ideas of listening to the radio and much more culled from real life with help from Julesworks Loyal Performers Ellchemi Ossorio and Jules as well as Christl MacKenzie schedule permitting and her clan. Rumours are there may be some dramatic readings of tweets, news snippets and other real life ludicrosities to help blow out 2019 as well.
In addition to other offerings performers and pieces to be confirmed, there will be live music with the hopeful return of the beloved Terry Diers as well as musical introduction by Gregg Turner. It also appears our newest performer from the last show Host Dan B Burkath may be returning ... with more to be confirmed, schedules permitting.
We strive, aim and hope in each show to meld returning talent and reprising and refining the scope of material mixed with new performers genres and styles and we aim to have music in the mix and plenty of skits to include the audience especially in our Open Slot Slot in which audience members can get on stage at the end of the show to share a short performance piece.
Loads of audience participation is encouraged including bring questions for Ask the Revisionist Historian in which the audience can ask questions of our experts, including our masked young geniuses and Rev Jules.
As usual, there may be literary poetical musical moments including Julesworksers Literary Outburst by Jules & Interested Others. And, the Julesworksers often carry on the tradition that the show will end with an Ensemble Musical Finale by the troupe with audience participation encouraged. So come prepared to interact as well as enjoy.
Tickets are $5 and available now at: www.jeancocteaucinema.com