Streaming on YouTube the last Saturday of each month.
As life carries on, without live events safely yet and even when, as things meld change and grow, Julesworks will carry on with its End of Monthly Showcase Warp Up being a JW Follies Show livestreamed through its YouTube Channel the last Saturday of each month at 5pm. The event will stream starting at 5pm MST on Feb 27th at: .
The benefit of viewing live is the livestream chat which, as Todd Snider says livestream chat can affect the world, but for those who can't view live at the premiere time, the show becomes available to view at one's leisure anytime shortly after the stream ends, joining the other #stayhomesafe movement content on Julesworks' YT Channel.
Airing the final Saturday of each month at 5pm MST, starting January 30th, 2021, the Livestream will be open to all participants willing, interested and open to share, offer and present a bit of musing in an array of genres, styles, and tones by a mix of performers from New Mexico and beyond of all ages, ilks, and stuff and things.
JW Follies has been staged, and now aired, out of Santa Fe, New Mexico for almost ten years, being a true hodgepodge variety of short playlets, music, poetry, skits, monologues, rant-a-logues and much more. With an emphasis always on being open for participation, the JW Follies overall mission includes offering interested artists in any genre a safe (live or digital) forum to share material with a live (or virtual) audience.