Teatro Paraguas presents Donald Levering and Rich Boucher poetry reading/dialogue in verse on Sunday, November 6, 5pm at the Teatro Paraguas Studio, 3205 Calle Marie, Santa Fe. Free admission, donations gratefully accepted.
The Diabolical Poet meets the Paradoxical Rhapsodist in the Neutral Territory, and there they will dialogue in verse on such sundry and variegated topics as: Money for babies, and debt turned on its head, eating ice cream as polar ice caps melt, father in the mirror, father in the sky, apes in space, apes writing poems, Lincoln and Lenin back from the Great Beyond, Rachmaninoff and the Pagan Love Orchestra. Why are we here and Who are we really?
Rich Boucher resides in Albuquerque, New Mexico. Rich served two terms as a member of the Albuquerque Poet Laureate Program's Selection Committee, and also as a member of the 2008 & 2014 Albuquerque City Slam Teams. Rich's poems have appeared in Gargoyle, Yellow Chair Review, The Nervous Breakdown, Apeiron Review, The Mas Tequila Review, Menacing Hedge, Lotus- eater, and Cultural Weekly, among others, and he has work in the Write Bloody Publishing superhero anthology MultiVerse, which was released in the Fall of 2014. He is the Associate Editor at Elbow Room Magazine: elbowroomnm.com. Visit his bandcamp page at richboucher.bandcamp.com.
Santa Fe poet Donald Levering's 7th full-length poetry book, Coltrane's God, published Red Mountain Press, won 1st place in the New Mexico Press Women contest poetry book competition in 2016. His previous book, The Water Leveling with Us, placed second in the 2015 National Federation of Press Women Creative Verse Book Competition. He is a former NEA Fellow and winner of the 2014 Literal Latté Poetry Award, first runner-up for the 2015 Mark Fischer Prize, finalist for the 2016 Dana Award, and Runner-Up in the 2016 Ruth Stone Poetry Prize. He has been a Duende Series Reader and was a Guest Poet in the Academy of American Poets online Forum. Visit donaldlevering.com.