Liddy, a teenage alien obsessive, and her mum arrive in a remote South Australian town seeking escape. What they find is a community collapsing in on itself due to an impending mine closure. Liddy swiftly connects with Badar, a witty, cynical 15 year old just like her. An outsider just like her. A lover of sci-fi, just like her.
The two newly crowned best friends explore what is fast becoming a ghost town, embracing their difference and celebrating their shared eccentricities. But when Badar disappears, Liddy must search back through her recent past to find the point where reality and fantasy divide.
Jill Blewett Playwright Award winner Fleur Kilpatrick makes her State Theatre Company debut with this mysterious love letter to the abandoned communities of regional South Australia.
Directed by the perceptive Nescha Jelk (Gorgon, Othello) Terrestrial promises to both touch the heart and engage the mind.
Away by Michael Gow
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