In war-torn Baghdad, the lives of two American Marines and an Iraqi translator are forever changed by an encounter with the ghost of a quick-witted tiger who haunts the citys ruins. When an atheist suddenly finds himself walking around after death,he has got some serious re-evaluating to do.Violence, anger, greed, forgiveness and redemption are examined in funny, touching and insightful exchanges between man and beast, the living and the dead.Rajiv Josephs ground breaking Pulitzer Prize and Tony Award nominated play explores the perils of human nature and the absurdities of war.What kind of twisted bastard creates a predator and then punishes him for preying?Dark and disturbing but also corrosively funny, Rajiv Josephs play set during the early days of the Iraq War is an exotic original The Hollywood ReporterWarning: Contains strong language & violence
End Game
The Lab at Fool's Paradise (3/19 - 3/23) | ||
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