The future of Aboriginal art as a high-end art industry will be strengthened with a new world-class visual art festival to be held in South Australia.
Premier Jay Weatherill has announced the establishment of an Aboriginal and Torres Strait Island Visual Arts festival - to be held in Spring 2015 - and supported by the State Government, Art Gallery of South Australia and a $4 million BHP Billiton investment.
The festival that will feature: a series of exhibitions; a curated Aboriginal art fair featuring recognised APY Lands artists and other selected artists; and a national symposium that brings together collectors, exhibitors, academics and arts centres.
"BHP Billiton is pleased to offer its support to this event as many of our Australian businesses operate on or near Aboriginal lands," Mr Mackenzie said.
"We feel it is important for Aboriginal communities to have greater opportunities to develop economically not only through direct employment and contracting with BHP Billiton but also by maintaining and enhancing their cultural activities."
The announcement follows the State Government releasing its Future Fund Policy, which will preserve some of the benefits gained today from mineral and petroleum reserves for future generations.
The Future Fund will quarantine money to be spent on infrastructure, children, families and the workforce.