The show runs from 8 to 19 March at Drama Llama at The Rhino Room 131 Pirie Street Adelaide.
When Adelaide-born Eleanor Stankiewicz was seven she watched the animated film Anastasia and imagined that it was the story of her grandmother. She would later discover as an adult that she wasn't so far from the truth, and so her award winning show Nanna-stasia was born.
Eleanor will bring Nanna-stasia to the 2022 Adelaide Fringe from 8 to 19 March playing at Drama Llama at The Rhino Room 131 Pirie Street Adelaide.
The NIDA-trained actor premiered the show in a sell-out season at the Sydney Fringe in 2019. Her personal tale was received with laughter, tears and two awards - including the Best Writer Award.
The show marks the first time Eleanor has performed in Adelaide since she appeared in Neighbourhood Watch alongside Miriam Margoyles for The State Theatre Company in 2014.
Developing a one-woman show that combined the true story of her Nanna's life alongside the tunes from the animated 1998 film was a creative and rewarding challenge. 'We didn't go into the rehearsal room expecting to make a musical set during World War 2. I just wanted a show that would honour my grandmother. It feels amazing to be finally bringing this show to Adelaide,' Eleanor said.
Nanna-stasia isn't just a labour of love for Eleanor, it's also a labour physically too; she plays seven characters in the show and even performs a duet with herself.
The play is directed by Eleanor's husband, Marcel Blanch-de Wilt, keeping the celebration of family, in the family.