The acclaimed Kegelstatt Ensemble presents the second and final concert in its 2017 "Song and Dance" series of intimate one hour concerts. "Song" takes place at 2.30pm for 3pm Sunday 19 November, Carclew House Ballroom, Cnr Jeffcott St and Montefiore Hill, North Adelaide.
Performers: Akemi Schubert, piano; Robert Schubert, basset horn; Steph Wake-Dyster, clarinet; Ben Dollman, violin; Anna Webb, viola and Kim Worley, cello.
WA Mozart - Quintet for clarinet, basset horn and string trio, K580b (unfinished, completed by Franz Beyer)
Felix Mendelssohn - Konzertstück no.2 Op.114 for clarinet, basset horn and piano
Robert Schumann - Piano Quartet, Op.47
Wine is served on arrival to be enjoyed before and during the performance. The musicians guide the audience through the program with live spoken interludes, emphasizing the connection and dialogue between the players, the music and the audience.
Tickets: $30/22, students $15. Purchase at