The warm welcoming Concerts@KentTown series of Winter and Spring concerts, at the historic Wesley Uniting Church, cnr Fullarton Road and Grenfell Street, Kent Town begins 2pm Wednesday 17 July, tickets, at the door, are $15 and include a delicious afternoon tea.
In 2019 there will be five monthly concerts from July to November - we hope to see you at all of them. Half of each concert features one of Adelaide's finest organists on the church's grand organ. The other half is contributed by a variety of other superb musicians The opening concert will feature the Prince Alfred College Piano Trio. The Trio are: James Monro, 15; violinist, Jack Wu, 18 and pianist Edmund Black, 16. All three have achieved considerable success both academically and musically in their remarkably young lives. The program for this first concert will include works by Bach; Wieniawski, and a new work by Edmund Black. The Trio will be accompanied by noted pianist Greaeme Quin. Completing the concert program will be a recital by prominent organist Andrew Georg. The series continues with appearances by some well-known, popular performers as well as some rising stars: Bass Baritone, Alex Roose; Saxophonist, Jaime Grech; Soprano/Harpist Emma Horwood, and violinist, Janet Anderson. Organists include: David Heah; Peter Kelsall; Gregory Crawford and Graham Bell.Videos