Reviewed by Barry Lenny, Thursday 14th July 2016
Just one person, Melody Yang, performs the entire on stage part of the Gazillion Bubble Show, supported by a raft of technical equipment, including lighting, lasers, smoke generators, and mechanical bubble blowers. This is a far cry from the little container of soapy water and the small circular bubble blower of childhood. This is a spectacular production of huge proportions. Knowing where to begin and, more importantly, where to stop, so as not to reveal any special moments, presents something of a dilemma in writing a review. The entire show is filled with things that would be spoiled by telling about them, and many brief parts of the performance could take pages to describe.Melody Yang has two entries in the Guinness Book of Records and her father, Fan Yang, who came up with the concept and created the show, has another seventeen of his own. That alone is a clear indication that what you will see is an exceptional performance, and that is precisely what you get. There were several times that I thought that the show was over, due to the staggering display at that point, only to find that there was still more to come, and even more impressive sections before the ultimate closing piece.Videos